Friday, July 07, 2006

Quality, not Quantity.

You know, it's funny. Not funny ha-ha, but funny strange. It's amazing how differently we look at food and at exactly what we eat when there's a limited amount of it.

I now find myself peeling off an extra layer of onion if it maybe looks a little dehydrated, or chopping the stalks individually off each baby spinach leaf, or making sure the WHOLE stalk is removed from the tomato.

Shopping today, I was looking at meats, the cuts I'd have bought 'before' were quickly deemed 'not good enough'. It was determined, that, since we have such a small quantity, the quality had better be the best. Rump steak it was. And it was gooooooood.

It made me think (and yes, before you ask, it hurt coz I'm not used to it!), made me think of just how much sh!t we pump into our bodies just coz we can.

The lack of discrimination is frightening. Why aren't we careful about what we eat?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I can see the headlines now...

Man dies in kitchen incident.

Woman charged after throttling man for taking onion slice.

I was preparing my lunch today. Had weighed out 115g salad, chopped up my piddly amount of onion, and threw it into my bowl. While I was chopping up my baby spinach leaves, the man walked past and grabbed a piece of onion! My tiny, savoured, amount of onion, pre-weighed and lovingly chopped. Well, I discovered how far he jumps when I yell. Poor thing. I think I scared him.

But visions of having to re-weigh my veg streamed through my mind, also, I had zucchini and mushrooms under the grill, so they weren't 'raw weight' any more.

And I couldn't bare to lose that 1g of ONION!!!

Still, he'll live, and I don't think he will do that again. :D

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Borg were wrong.

Last night we went out for dinner.

Had a function at my favourite restaurant. I knew it was coming. I was going to wait until after it to start the programme, but I am glad I started last Saturday as soon as I gott he programme.

I went for a weigh in yesterday morning, and have lost 3kg in 3 days. Not too shabby.

I organised my dinner before hand with the restaurant, and had them simply prepare me 120g Barramundi, and I took my own salad (They would have prepared it, but it was a dinner for over 30 ppl so lots to do at once). It was delicious.

I admit having trouble as the sticky date pudding went past, not sure if just smelling that thing constituted breaking the diet, but gees the butterscotch sauce smelled goooooooooood.

I sat there and cut up my after dinner apple, and put a couple of Hermesetas tabs into a little boiling water and poured it over my chopped up apple, so it was sorta sweet apple. Nowhere near as good as the sticky date pud, though.

Still, I know had I eaten last night's dinner, not only would it have undone the last three day's work, but also, added at least a week to my plan.

So, I maintain, Resistance is, in fact, NOT futile.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Licking the yoghurt top

This morning, while weighing out my 175g of Yoghurt, I tore the lid off it and immediately brought it up to my lips. JUST before I licked it (as you do) I thought, um, This hasn't been WEIGHED! It went into the bin, yoghurt and all.

It set me to thinking:

Just how much DO we eat Incidentally?

If we're allowed 100g Yoghurt and there's 10g on the lid, that's 10% more than we should have had.

Now, mightn't seem much, but, if this pervades to all aspects of our lives, then, soon we find ourselves consuming 10% more of everything. You know the little snip of meat that fell off in the pan, gets nibbled, the extra bit of pie, no point putting that in the fridge, the cheese on the knife, well, there's not MUCH there, Is there?

That 10% of food becomes 10% of us. Then it compounds. So, if we start at 75kg, and add 7.5%, that's 82.5kg. Then we keep eating this way, and it adds another 8.25%, that's 90.75kg, then we add another 10%, that's 99.825kg, and so it grows.

See? I'm fairly sure I do now. Will make it easier not to lick the Yoghurt tops.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Blame it on the booty.

I just received an email from a friend, in support of my programme. Part of the email said:

[quote]The most aggravating thing I find about being heavy is that is all anybody sees of you., even the doctor. If you have a cold? You're too fat. If you have marital problems? You're too fat. If your car radio quits? you're too fat. If you are up for a promotion? You're too fat. etc.[/quote]

This is so TRUE!

I remember once going to a doctor for a cold that I couldn't shake. I couldn't get in to my normal doc, so I just went to a local clinic, figuring I only wanted antibiotics, so anyone would do.

I went in there, and he took one look at me and said 'get on the scales please'. I said, um I'm here for a cold, why do I need to get onto the scales?

He said 'Well, you're chronically overweight, I just wanted to see how much'.

I said, you don't NEED to see how much, give me antibiotics and let me go home.

He begrudgingly wrote the script for the anti's and handed me a referral. TO A STOMACH BANDING CENTRE.

I then went ahead and suggested to him (only borderline nicely) that he was in the wrong industry, he needed to be somewhere where he wasn't working with people and he needed an attitude adjustment.

Still, this is typical.

It's really sad that some people have to build themselves up by putting others down.

My first day.

Well, I've just finished lunch, and since I started before dinner last night, I guess it's been sorta 24 hours. I wonder if I should be on scales already??? hehe

I slept in this morning and woke up with a slight headache. It's got worse through the day, despite Nurofen Plus. Having woken up late, I had brekkie late, and I had 175g Yoghurt. I didn't have any low fat yoghurt, but it was plain Greek Yoghurt, and I didn't have any of the other brekkie fare I needed.

We went shopping to buy all the 'supplies' and I bought a couple of each variety of allowed crispbreads etc, and some containers to keep them in. Managed to get some baby spinach leaves, which is fantastic because they are very light and you can have lots of them.

I took an apple with me to the shopping centre because I knew I was going to be tempted to eat there, as the kids wanted lunch in the food court. So I sat and ate my apple and drank the water I took with me, while the kids had crepes, one wiht ham and cheese, and the other with strawberries and chocolate. It was fine. Better than I thought it'd be.

I haven't been in and out of Coles EVER with so few items, or so quickly, or costing so little!!!

Walking around the shopping centre, I kept looking at women around my height, and wondering what they weigh. I sorta wanted to get an idea of what I'd look like when I finish. One woman walked past, about my height, I'd estimate she was around 75kg. Gosh she looked good. Can't wait to look THAT GOOD

Got home to have lunch, Decided to have Fish again, I know I'll have to cook dinner tonight, so I wanted an easy lunch. I got the salad stuff out and weighed it. When I finished, it was 5g over what I'm supposed to have. My first instinct was to say oooh and turn a blind eye, but I was good, and took out a couple of bits of tomato, onion and cucumber, to make it the right amount.
Then I weighed my fish and put them together. It was fantastic. I was full when I finished. I decided not to have a crispbread with it, as I'll save it for mid afternoon.

shit, I forgot to buy cheese :( But I did get low fat natural yoghurt.