Sunday, December 03, 2006


Well, I'm bruised, sore and very happy.

Today we went to Dreamworld!

My kids, my son's best mate, his mum and her boyfriend and my cousin all went. It was my son's Graduation present from Primary school.

On that topic (slight segue) since when do they have bloody graduations from PRIMARY school, what ever happened to a plate of angel cakes and a wave from the teacher as they leave? They now have full sit down dinners at a 'venue', the cost is $20 per head, plus all the associated new clothes and stuff. How bloody ridiculous!

For several reasons, I offered him that if he wanted, he could go to the Graduation, or we could all have a day at Dreamworld. Luckily for me, it took less that a microsecond for his answer!

This meant we had a great day together, AND I didn't have to sit at a graduation with my ex!

Anyway, back to the dreamworld story, the BEST Thing today was fitting into the seats on rides.

Now, those of you who have never been mistaken for Dugongs wouldn't understand this concept. There's a point at which you know not to go onto rides because they just aren't made for people of "this size". Part of me used to get upset at this, arguing it wouldn't kill them to make the seats bigger, but, I realised that, small children would fall out of a seat 'that size' sideways!

Anyway... I digress...

The BEST ride at Dreamworld is undoubtedly the FLOWRIDER.

I'm so bruised it's not funny, and we had a ball. Actually, it was so good we came back in the afternoon for another ride!

The best non-water ride is the "Tower of Terror" it's great fun. You go from 0 - about 100kmph in two or three seconds! then ride the rails up the tower, then fall back down to a stop. The whole ride takes 24 seconds! Luckilly it was VERY quiet at Dreamworld today, so we went around again for another ride! We also went on the Cyclone (rollercoaster) twice, I went on the CLAW, which I will NEVER go on again!!! And lots of other rides. Really had a great day.

I'm really pleased with my Weight Loss, over 50kg now. It's magic!

Only another 30-40 to go.

The Cohen system wants me to get down to 75kg, but I'm not sure. I've never been that weight in my life (well, not since I was bout 14 and then only in passing!) but I'm worried it'll be too scrawny. I will get down to 85kg then sit down with Sue and reassess things. I think at 85kg I'll have a better idea of just how much more I want to lose. Personally, I think I'll end up somewhere around 80kg. But we'll wait and see...