Wednesday, October 25, 2006

heavyweight child

Last night I had to drive my daughter somewhere. But we were in a hurry and she (as usual) didn't have her shoes on.

So I gave her a piggy back to the car (she didn't want to walk on the wet grass then put socks on).

*Things we do for kids...*

Anyway, it occurred to me, while groaning under the weight, that I've lost nearly as much as she weighs. She weighs 53kg, and I've lost 40. I still need to lose at least another 40-50.

Carrying her across the backyard really brought home just how much strain I was putting on my body, particularly my knees.

On a happy note, people in the shops near here are starting to ask me what I'm doing, they're noticing I've lost weight, which is really cool!

The other cool thing is, even though I'm only half way, I feel as though I'm almost finished. I anticipate being finished around the end of march next year, but, the time from November till March always goes really really quickly.

Roll on March.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Humanity doing the unhuman

The other week I heard about something called Fried Coke.

Aparrently they mix Coca-Cola with a batter, like Doughnut batter, and fry it.

Coz there weren't enough foods in this world to give you a heart attack.

They serve this deep fried coke with cola flavoured syrup, whipped cream and jam. Holy crap. Do they have medics standing by? Does it come with an Ambulance subscription?

Oh, and today, I heard they make DEEP FRIED PIZZA in Scotland (and almost certainly in USA, but I heard about Scotland). You can have it with a desert of a Deep Fried Mars Bar.

These things just make me shiver. Hell, they made me shiver before I found the light (Cohens). I'd seen the MArs Bar one on a Fish & Chip shop board, and actually asked whether it was an euphemism for something else (like scallops = potato cakes). I was reliably informed that no, this was, in fact, a proprietary Mars Bar, batterred and deep fried in hot oil.

Coz aparrently the mars bar wasn't fatty enough.

Ya gotta ask, why in hell do we do this to ourselves.

What makes us say "Hey, what other foods can we invent to kill ourselves faster"?

I love "Fast foods". I love hamburgers, but only the F&C shop or Cafe variety, I haven't eaten McD's since 1985, when I was in year 11 at school and went with a group of friends. It had no appeal to me then, and I've not been back. I believe I may have the only 10 and 12yo's living in a western society (and without any religeous beliefs) that have never eaten McD's.

But Deep Fried Pizza and Coke, with a chaser of Deep Fried Mars Bars?

What next? No, really, WHAT NEXT?

The whole time I've been typing this, I've been thinking, what is something MORE ridiculous than the above that we could possibly Deep Fry.

I can't think of anything.

Let me know if you can.

the impossible

It's occurred to me that there are still a number of things I'm looking forward to being able to do when I'm skinny.

One, which seems ridiculously superficial, is being able to cross my legs while sitting.

It's been a LOT of years since I was able to do that. A LOT of years.

I'm also looking forward to buying new shoes. I have HUGE feet, They're a Ladies size 13. They used to be a size 11. I'm hoping that, as I lose weight, I'll lose size off my feet too, and be able to buy decent shoes that don't cost the national debt. My favourite pair of shoes are a pair of size 45 (euro sizing) black clogs, they're a mens clog, but they look just fine.

I'm looking forward to buying normal, women's, shoes. That FIT.

I'm also really looking forward to losing my Tuck-shop arms. I have joked, in the past, that I should get the Aussie flag tattoo'd on the flaps, then I could just stand in crowds and wave the dangley bits and be patriotic. However I'd much rather lose them.

The problem is, whilst I've lost over 90cm total everywhere else, I haven't lost ANYTHING much off my arms. I can see that I've lost fat from them, but not much diameter, the roundness lost has increased dangleyness.

I can see that my skin elsewhere, for example the thighs, has tightened as it's lost, it's not dangley, and seems to have lost a LOT of it's celluliteness. You know, the orange peel look. It's now smooth and soft.

On a not-so-good note, I've got a sore throat again. I'm so sick of being ill. I seem to be getting a recurrent throat or chest infection all the time, it's very annoying. I'll be back on antibiotics again tomorrow.

I'm religiously taking my vitamins and minerals, but I think I'll have to take more vitamin C and echinacea or something.

It's silly, really, I've NEVER eaten so healthilly in all my life. Zucchini on a daily basis, etc, and yet, I'm not well. I'm sure this, too, shall pass.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Had a FANTASTIC day today, went to a place called O'Reillys . We went on the Rainforest Canopy walk, and had a ball.

I did two things today that I would NOT have been able to do three months ago. I climbed INSIDE a Strangler Fig tree (They have a strangler fig, where the host tree has decomposed, and it's a big long channel inside, just magic), and I climbed up a really tall ladder, up the side of a HUGE tree, off the top of the Canopy Walk, to see the fantastic view.

Unfortunately I only got to "level 2" not the top level, as I went up there with my daughter, and she got scared, so we had to come back down. The tree WAS swaying a little...

Three months ago, there's NO way I could have climbed the ladder. I wouldn't have had the stamina, and I wouldn't have fit into the safety cage. Today, it was no problem!

The kids had a ball feeding the birds. I took lots of photos!

Oh, and, something terrifying happened this morning. I sat down to eat my breakfast and discovered my ring was missing! It's been getting loose for a while, but it was actually GONE! I quickly retraced my steps for the morning, and stripped my bed, moved it and checked under the bed, checked in the bathroom, then remembered I'd put a load of laundry on, so I stopped the machine (no easy feat on a front loader) and pulled sodding wet towels out to see if the ring was in there with them, but alas no. Checked the kitchen, no luck. Turned the couch over, nothing. I sat down in dispair, and looked down. There was my ring, down my BRA!!!

No idea how it got down my bra, but I suspect it fell off in the night.

I may have to take it off soon. :(