Monday, October 30, 2006

Nearly Half Way.

Went for a weigh in today, and I lost another 5kg this fortnight.

That's 44.5kg total now. One kilo off HALF WAY.

I can't believe it. It's fantastic. Just under four months, and pretty darned close to 45kg GONE!

I'm hoping to be finished by my birthday at the end of March. Next year I want to have a BIG birthday party, I haven't had one since 2001 and my life has been all over the place since then, so, I think, it'll be cool to celebrate 5 years of limbo, and getting my life back on track. Also we should be just about ready to move into the Farm by then, so it'd be supercool if we could have a housewarming party at the same time.

5 years ago, my birthday party was also a 'Seeya Melbourne' party, and I feel the farm is my 'real home', so it's quite fitting.

Roll on March.

asy :D


At 10/31/2006 10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go asy. 1/2 way there deserves a reward, treat yourself (just make sure its guilt-free which I know you will

At 11/02/2006 11:57 pm, Blogger Ichooselife said...

WOW 45 kilo's in 4 months is INSPIRING. I'm right at the start so reading success stories like yours is good medicine. Thank you and way to go :)


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