Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Borg were wrong.

Last night we went out for dinner.

Had a function at my favourite restaurant. I knew it was coming. I was going to wait until after it to start the programme, but I am glad I started last Saturday as soon as I gott he programme.

I went for a weigh in yesterday morning, and have lost 3kg in 3 days. Not too shabby.

I organised my dinner before hand with the restaurant, and had them simply prepare me 120g Barramundi, and I took my own salad (They would have prepared it, but it was a dinner for over 30 ppl so lots to do at once). It was delicious.

I admit having trouble as the sticky date pudding went past, not sure if just smelling that thing constituted breaking the diet, but gees the butterscotch sauce smelled goooooooooood.

I sat there and cut up my after dinner apple, and put a couple of Hermesetas tabs into a little boiling water and poured it over my chopped up apple, so it was sorta sweet apple. Nowhere near as good as the sticky date pud, though.

Still, I know had I eaten last night's dinner, not only would it have undone the last three day's work, but also, added at least a week to my plan.

So, I maintain, Resistance is, in fact, NOT futile.


At 7/05/2006 6:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOHOO.....what a fantastic start!!


At 7/06/2006 12:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done ... well on your way already!!!


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