Monday, October 09, 2006

A good day.

Well, unbelieveable, but, I bought a new pair of Jeans today.


GUESS what size they are???

WELL??? GUESS???!!!

They're size 18 !!!

Absolutely bloody amazing. When I started I had a LOT of trouble getting into a 26.

Went to my weigh in this morning, I'm 38kg down! Two more, and I've hit 40~!

I've set a 'goal', well, not really a goal, coz I can't really control how much I lose, but I'm hoping to be 110kg by Xmas. I hope I make it, but if not, no fear, I'll get there.

I'm really hoping to be finished the whole programme by my birthday (late March).

I went to the Doc's today, for a throat infection, and she took one look and said "SHIT where's the REST of you!?", She was THRILLED, I gave her Sue's cards and info and she will look into the programme so hopefully she can tell other patients about it!

She asked lots of questions and we talked about the programme, I'll be very interested to hear what she thinks of it. She's the BEST Doc ever, coz she listens. If not for her, I'd still be in heaps of back pain and not sleeping properly. I'm very pleased to have found her. She told me, just before I started on this, that I HAD to lose weight. I was so pleased and VERY proud today to go in there and show off my new jeans!