Friday, July 07, 2006

Quality, not Quantity.

You know, it's funny. Not funny ha-ha, but funny strange. It's amazing how differently we look at food and at exactly what we eat when there's a limited amount of it.

I now find myself peeling off an extra layer of onion if it maybe looks a little dehydrated, or chopping the stalks individually off each baby spinach leaf, or making sure the WHOLE stalk is removed from the tomato.

Shopping today, I was looking at meats, the cuts I'd have bought 'before' were quickly deemed 'not good enough'. It was determined, that, since we have such a small quantity, the quality had better be the best. Rump steak it was. And it was gooooooood.

It made me think (and yes, before you ask, it hurt coz I'm not used to it!), made me think of just how much sh!t we pump into our bodies just coz we can.

The lack of discrimination is frightening. Why aren't we careful about what we eat?


At 7/07/2006 10:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you! I know the dedication and fortitude this requires...but you're really handling this with a good attitude and great insights! (I was gonna say you are 'stepping up to the plate' but in this instance it would be 'stepping away from the plate.'


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