Sunday, July 02, 2006

Blame it on the booty.

I just received an email from a friend, in support of my programme. Part of the email said:

[quote]The most aggravating thing I find about being heavy is that is all anybody sees of you., even the doctor. If you have a cold? You're too fat. If you have marital problems? You're too fat. If your car radio quits? you're too fat. If you are up for a promotion? You're too fat. etc.[/quote]

This is so TRUE!

I remember once going to a doctor for a cold that I couldn't shake. I couldn't get in to my normal doc, so I just went to a local clinic, figuring I only wanted antibiotics, so anyone would do.

I went in there, and he took one look at me and said 'get on the scales please'. I said, um I'm here for a cold, why do I need to get onto the scales?

He said 'Well, you're chronically overweight, I just wanted to see how much'.

I said, you don't NEED to see how much, give me antibiotics and let me go home.

He begrudgingly wrote the script for the anti's and handed me a referral. TO A STOMACH BANDING CENTRE.

I then went ahead and suggested to him (only borderline nicely) that he was in the wrong industry, he needed to be somewhere where he wasn't working with people and he needed an attitude adjustment.

Still, this is typical.

It's really sad that some people have to build themselves up by putting others down.


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