Monday, November 27, 2006

A New You.

Well, I've the great privilege of announcing some extremely exciting news.

There's a NEW FORUM JUST for people on the COHEN PROGRAMME!

Now do I know this?

Well, glad you asked!

It's because I STARTED the forum!

It's called: New You Forum!

Thanks to a HEAP of help from "lessfatty" without whom this would have still been a pipe dream! It's REALLY handy to have someone who knows how to set a forum up on your side! He will also be co-administrator and I'm looking forward to watching it all grow.

The link is here: New You Forum .

Please drop in and register, join our community, especially if you're on the Cohen programme (or contemplating or finished it)!

See you there!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub...

Well, I haven't posted in a week, sorry. Have had a BIG week.

Went to court this week, and represented myself, it was only an adjournment, but it was interesting, and I was really proud that I did it myself. Don't want to do that for the actual case, but the adjournment was OK. Also I had to ask that a Childrens' representative be appointed, which was 'fun' coz I didn't know how, but I muddled through, and the judge was really nice!!!

I'm confident I'll win. I can't bear to think of any alternative.

Anyway, one thing I thought was HILARIOUS was that my ex has cited my weight as a major issue on why I'm a poor parent, apparently I'm on a "Disability pension due to my obesity". Um, no. I'm not. But he wouldn't know, so he makes stuff up, and then it must be true coz he said it. The funniest thing was, When I met his Solicitor, she's BIGGER THAN I AM!!! It was ALL I could do not to ask her whether she had children, and if so, was she offended that my ex obviously must think she's a poor parent due to her size. But I thought better of it and shut up. I'm pretty proud of THAT too! :D

Oh, and, Court has been adjourned to Mid Feb, by which time I should be about 20-25kg lighter than I am now, and hopefully another 2 dress sizes smaller. So, I can't wait to walk in to court and say, "Yes, Your Honour, It's me, the size 14 Obese bad mother, oh, and, by the way, if I'm obese, the world has serious problems".

Still, due to the stress last week, when I went for my weigh in after court on Wednesday, I'd only lost about 1.5kg in the preceding week and a half. In spite of eating only what I'm supposed to. I had, however, not been sleeping well at all.

I'd had a couple of 3am bed-goings, and a 4am bed going. You know when you look out your windows and it's getting light, it's past bedtime... :(

Since Friday I've been in bed no later than midnight. In fact on Friday night I was SO exhausted from lack of sleep that I fell asleep right at the beginning of Smallville and hence missed it (did anyone tape it, can you send me the tape!!!???) and woke up at 11pm, then went to bed. Result was, I was up at 4am, wide awake! Stayed in bed and dozed till 7am. I felt magnificent on Saturday!

Saturday night I was in bed at midnight. It was fabulous.

I've resolved that I want to try to be in bed by around midnight from now on.

I can't wait to see how much I've lost this week after all that sleep. If I've lost lots, it'll cement the theory that Sleep is a BIG part of weight loss. I'll report in when I've weighed in.

Still, if I EVER needed a mid-programme-motivator going to court a size 14 is it.