Friday, November 03, 2006

Photo day.

Nah, not photos of me!!!

Today I took my kids' school's school photos. Not the formal every child ones, but the sports teams and special groups (like band and choir and school leaders, etc).

The school wanted something a little different for these photos, and knew I did quite a bit of photography, so they asked me.

I took some 160 odd photos, of about 25 different groups of kids, ranging from 2 kids to 23 kids in a group. We took the photos in the playground, with the kids on the fort, even some groups with the kids in trees! I'm thrilled with how they came out, and the best thing is, it cost the school nothing. They'll make 100% of the sale funds (after printing costs) which the school will keep!

But, I couldn't believe how sick I was after it. I haven't felt this sick in ages. I took water with me, and drank about a litre and a half in the 3 hours I was there, plus I had Salada with me, but I could only eat a half (2 little squares). I did have a break at recess, about 2 hours into the ordeal.

I had a headache, stomach ache, felt awfully nauseous and was nearly ready to chuck.

I think it was exhaustion. I really must get to bed before 3am.

Anyway, I came home and had a shower and a nap and feel much better. Only had a small lunch (the cheese option) and it was yum. I feel much better now.

I'm stressed as anything at the moment (due to ex-husband issues) and not sleeping well even when I DO get there, and it didn't help to be woken up at 6.30 by my daughter coz she wanted to get all the cameras etc to school early ;)

Still, I lived, and it means I've only had 1 crispbread serving today, so with 2 serves for arvo smoko, that leaves TWO serves for supper instead of the usual 1!!!

HOORAY. There's always a silver lining isn't there!


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