Saturday, October 07, 2006


Well, I've just got home from two weeks away, in case anyone was wondering where I was!

Spent the last 2 weeks down in Northern NSW, at the beach, the kids had a ball. We went bodyboarding. Something I haven't been able to do in 15 years (or more). Must admit, I need new bathers, my old ones (which were tight when I started this) are a liiiiittle bit flooopy. The one piece was hanging down between 'where it should have been' and my knees... And the two piece (tankini, if you don't mind, NOT Bikini) was just falling down... Embarrassing and exciting all at the same time!

I've been thinking lately, Isn't it funny what we take for granted. I'm flying down to Melbourne next week, and I'm really looking forward to it, coz I'll FIT in the PLANE SEAT properly for the first time in living memory. I went flying with a friend last weekend, in a cessna, and for the first time in ages I could actually fit into the seat belts. Isn't it funny when you have a taste of the 'skinny life' and realise just how biased the world is toward thin people.

I've been having trouble lately. I can almost see how born again xtians get zealous about their missions... I see fat people, everywhere. I just want to go give them the website for cohens. I know I shouldn't, I'm controlling myself so far.

I'll post again early in the week with a weight update after monday's weigh in. Must say, I've been VERY good the last 3 weeks food wise, but, not so good with times as there's been an inherent lack of structure in the holiday time. Can't wait to see how it is going.