Friday, November 10, 2006

What's going on in my life...

There's so much going on in my life at the moment!!! That's why I haven't had a chance to blog for a little while...

We've bought a farm. It's a big acreage down the coast a ways. Actually it's in NSW, but I'll live... hehe

Anyway, I'm busy as anything planning the house, organising it all, getting quotes for everything then trying to work out which quotes are best, and not to mention starting packing.

I haven't started packing just yet, but will have to start next week.

We're hoping to be in the new house around late March next year, and I hope this will co-incide with my finishing the Cohen programme. I'm also going to change my name back to my maiden name at that time (sick of carting around my ex-s name!) so it's a WHOLE new life for me!!!

I live in a highset house (for those who don't know, that's a house on high stumps, where everything's upstairs) but downstairs is built in, and it's FULL of storeage stuff. When I say Full, I mean REALLY FULL. I've bought myself a shipping container, and I'm going to go through everything downstairs and be really ruthless as to what I can throw out. I've carted a lot of this stuff with me from Victoria to QLD, and do not intend to burden another state with it! :D

By the way, if anyone knows anyone who can move a shipping container from Brissie down a few hours south of here, please let me know!!! :D

Now, The kids are on holidays from the middle of December till the end of January, and that gives me 6 weeks in which I don't have to be in Brisbane (for school). They're visiting with their father for the first 3 weeks of the holidays, so that's when we can live a little rougher and hopefully get the first half of the house done. After that, we'll hopefully only be doing the fit out, which takes longer, but is easier to live around. The kids can explore the farm or swim in the lagoon while we work...

This does, however, mean that I really need to be packed up (well, the storeage stuff, anyway) before we start building, which gives me 3-4 weeks. The house will not take me long to pack, maybe a week, but downstairs all needs organising.

Then I will have LOTS of stuff to list on e-Bay. I already have 3 HUGE tubs of clothes to list on ebay, not to mention all the stuff I know is downstairs.

I really only want to move stuff I REALLY want, not stuff I "might need" and I hope the stuff will sell for enough on ebay that I'll be able to buy myself some things I've really wanted for ages, like bedside tables! hehe

So, keep an eye out on MY EBAY LISTINGS to see what I've listed! (nothing there today, but hopefully I'll get some on there soon).


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