Monday, October 23, 2006

the impossible

It's occurred to me that there are still a number of things I'm looking forward to being able to do when I'm skinny.

One, which seems ridiculously superficial, is being able to cross my legs while sitting.

It's been a LOT of years since I was able to do that. A LOT of years.

I'm also looking forward to buying new shoes. I have HUGE feet, They're a Ladies size 13. They used to be a size 11. I'm hoping that, as I lose weight, I'll lose size off my feet too, and be able to buy decent shoes that don't cost the national debt. My favourite pair of shoes are a pair of size 45 (euro sizing) black clogs, they're a mens clog, but they look just fine.

I'm looking forward to buying normal, women's, shoes. That FIT.

I'm also really looking forward to losing my Tuck-shop arms. I have joked, in the past, that I should get the Aussie flag tattoo'd on the flaps, then I could just stand in crowds and wave the dangley bits and be patriotic. However I'd much rather lose them.

The problem is, whilst I've lost over 90cm total everywhere else, I haven't lost ANYTHING much off my arms. I can see that I've lost fat from them, but not much diameter, the roundness lost has increased dangleyness.

I can see that my skin elsewhere, for example the thighs, has tightened as it's lost, it's not dangley, and seems to have lost a LOT of it's celluliteness. You know, the orange peel look. It's now smooth and soft.

On a not-so-good note, I've got a sore throat again. I'm so sick of being ill. I seem to be getting a recurrent throat or chest infection all the time, it's very annoying. I'll be back on antibiotics again tomorrow.

I'm religiously taking my vitamins and minerals, but I think I'll have to take more vitamin C and echinacea or something.

It's silly, really, I've NEVER eaten so healthilly in all my life. Zucchini on a daily basis, etc, and yet, I'm not well. I'm sure this, too, shall pass.


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