Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Stupid advertising. Cohen ppl take note.

Ya know, I've been thinking...

The Cohen's advertising says "Weight loss and wellness through nutrition".

Yeah, OK, that's right, but...

It doesn't emote. It doesn't MOVE me to WANT to do the programme.

What it needs to say is this:


Nothing more, nothing less.

It'll have 'em flocking to it.

Everyone starting on a weight loss programme is terrified that they're going to be made to run up and down stairs carrying a medicine ball. Or worse.

I've tried gym. Got a letter in the mail today from the gym I have a membership at (you can stop laughing now) saying 'gee, you haven't been for a while'. Um yeah, no, I haven't, coz I'm fat and lazy and I don't get any help there.

The Cohen programme needs to make more mileage out of the fact that there's no additional exercise required over the 'incidental' exercise we get every day anyway. They go on about tailoring the programme, and blood tests and other scientificmumbo, but nothing about not jogging.

With all the knowledge they have of the overweight psyche I'd have thought they'd have played this one up more.


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