Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's the little things.

Had a win today.

For the first time I was able to walk into a room and sit in a chair with arms.

Skinny people just don't realise how big a thing this is.

It's just NOT fun to walk into a room or a restaurant or a friend's house and not be able to fit into the chairs. I got to a point where I just didn't bother trying them and asked for an office chair or armless chair to be brought out.

I still think, even so, that restaurants should have at least half their chairs without arms. Preferrably all.

It's just too embarrassing to most people to have to ask for a different chair. Think of all the money the restaurants are missing out on. Do they realise Fat people Eat too? (how do they think they got that way!!!)

Seriously, though, there's so many embarrassing things that can happen to you when you're overweight. Here are a few:

-The lift alarm goes off when you walk in and there's already a couple of people in there.
-Your bum/gut/legs/arms get stuck when you're trying to get them through a small space.
-You have to ask people to move their chairs in a restaurant, after half a dozen skinny people have walked right past it.
-People in shops look at you funny when you pick up a size 12 (my daughter is size 12), and say "That won't fit you" or "um, the larger sizes are over there", they don't take it kindly when you answer "oh, but what about when I take off my fat suit at home? I'll have nothing to wear!" .
-You won't get into the back of a small car for fear of it looking like a 'rebirth' to onlookers when you get out again.

You know, little things like that.

Little things that I hope never to be bothered by again.


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