Monday, July 10, 2006

Captain's log, supplemental.

Here's the conversation you don't want to hear, so if you're squeamish TURN AWAY NOW!


That's our subject today.

It's interesting what happens to your poo on this diet. A friend told me that when they were on this diet they only poo'd twice a week, on average. Well, I've been on it 9 days, and so far, 2 poo's.

Yeah, I know, more information than you really wanted, but you WERE warned.

Now, my theory for this is that the body is using all of the food I'm giving it, and only the REAL waste is being wasted. So I guess this is good.

The biggest problem is, um, how to put this, the biggest problem is the difficulty expelling this waste. Only wish that was easier.

There endeth the lesson.


At 7/11/2006 7:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Still with ya sweetheart and still proud.
Beam me up Scottie!


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