Sunday, October 29, 2006

Miss Cranky Pants Rides Again

Well, the weight loss forum I participate in has changed a little (see link on right).

We used to have just the one really REALLY long thread, it was about 320 pages long with thousands of posts, and now the moderators have VERY kindly given us our own board.

I voted for it, and was really thrilled, I thought FANTASTIC, now we can get into indepth organised discussions about the programme and our results and have a really good camraderie going.

Now, there's an unexpected side-effect that's really bugging me.

Other forum members, who aren't on the Cohen plan, and know nothing ABOUT the Cohen plan, are posting on our threads. Not only that (coz that wouldn't be so bad) but they're posting stuff totally contrary to our plan!!!

Someone posted a recipe with potatoes in it (but she's really nice, so we'll forgive her and I don't think she'll do it again), and someone else suggested that people eat beans to combat constipation. I replied, and yeah, maybe I went in a little hard, but sheesh, they have the WHOLE board to play in, we only have our little area.

I wonder whether the Forum's Admin can make our board read-only unless people can email the moderators and show they're on the programme, then they can post too. I know it's possible in the VB Software to do that, but I wonder if they'd be so inclined. It would certainly fix things.

We don't seem to have a moderator on our Board, but one of the Super Mods seems to have 'adopted' us, which is good because she seems very nice. She started out very slightly bigger than I was, and her goal is only slightly under what mine is (so she must be shorter than I am!) so we have almost the same amount to lose, it'll be interesting to see how our journey goes. She's lost 35kg, and I've lost 40kg. I must email her and ask when she started!!!

Well, that's it, that was my cranky pantsness for the day. Thanks for listening.


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