Friday, October 20, 2006

Just love it.

Saw a friend today that I haven't seen since before I started this programme, and he was shocked at my weight loss!

It's so cool.

The ego buzz of someone telling you that you look fantastic is so good, I'd forgotten it.

I'm getting used to the little things. You know, being able to sit in ANY chair I come across, Being able to fit down aisles in small supermarkets without worrying about knocking things off shelves, that sort of thing.

The whole Plane Seat was magic. I didn't say quite enough about it last post, but it's magic.

Nothing worse than getting into a plane and having to swap seats with someone else because you don't fit into the seat to which you are allocated!

For those who haven't started on the programme yet, just in case you're wondering, NEVER get the front row of the plane. Yes, you get larger leg room, BUT the sides of the seat are SOLID!

Imagine trying to slide yourself into the plane seat. One arse-cheek at a time and finally having to admit defeat. Now imagine having to go to the hostess and say "Excuse me, I don't fit into the seat, what can we do?". Now imagine her saying "Sorry, we're fully booked, I have nowhere else to PUT you". I actually commented that I might have to stand up for the whole flight! :( The nice lady in the row behind heard me, and offerred to swap seats. Thankfully. I fit into the seat behind, but only because I could raise the arm rest and sit down, then lower the arm rest to sit on my hip. I really must say I felt a little bad for the woman who had to sit next to me :( Bloody good thing she was skinny! Still, how embarrassing...

These are the truths people don't talk about regarding being overweight.

There are other embarrassing things.

  • Your legs rubbing together which either gives you rashes or wears out your clothes.
  • Having to take a deep breath to put a sock on, then needing time to recover before putting the other one on.
  • Ditto with putting shoes on only it takes longer to lace them up, therefore longer recovery.
  • Having trouble wiping your arse coz ya can't reach it. (never did get quite that far... but could feel it coming)
  • Your ankles feeling like they're dislocating when you try to run.
  • Your knees grinding under the weight when you walk. (Never mind going upstairs!)
  • Being hungry all the time. ALL the time (it takes a lot of fuel to run that big a machine)
  • Feeling people are watching you (and jeering) when you eat in public.
  • Last but definately not least: Having to hear about your kids defending you at school when the other kids are teasing them for having "the fattest mum ever".

Oh, on a final note, I'm really looking forward to getting to the point where I can ride a horse without feeling like the horse is groaning when it sees me coming.


At 10/21/2006 6:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please no graphic detail!


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