Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Love is...

Making the kids your favourite food, watching them eat it, while you eat roast zucchini.

Yup, that's love.

Actually, ya know, other than having to stop myself tasting while I was cooking (from habit) it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

They had Chicken with Tomato Pasta. It was fantastic (so I'm told). There's enough for leftovers for tomorrow.

Still, I had my Chicken, Zucchini, mushroom onion and lettuce. And it was fine.

Had my weigh in yesterday. Lost 2.8kg this week.

It was a little less than I thought it would be (being honest) but, I discovered I've been doing something wrong. I've been eating both pieces of fruit as a fruit salad at night, but aparently I shouldn't be having them both at once.

I've fixed that and altered my routine.

Now this is my routine:

8.00am Breakfast Usually Yoghurt
10.30am Snack 2 Crispbread
1.00pm Lunch Usually Fish and Salad
3.30pm Snack 1 Crispbread and 1 Apple (or other fruit)
6.00pm Dinner Usually either Chicken or Beef with fried Zucchini, mushroom and spinach.
8.30pm Supper Two Crispbread and 1 Apple (or other fruit).

Some days it varies one way or the other by half an hour.

Oh, and, LOTS of water.

Also, Vitamins and Minerals.

So, my day revolves around food. Much more than it did before this programme, but now everything's considered and measured. I feel like, after all this is done, this is an easy 'daily programme' for me to live with. If I go and be silly one day, I can go back to this the next and even things out.

I CAN see that I'll never have a HUGE meal again.

asy :D


At 7/20/2006 12:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is still a huge amount.....well done!!!

I've got a friend that is just starting a weight loss program and she's looking to lose 1/2 kg a week. So 2.8 is amazing.


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