Friday, July 21, 2006

little pots.

I have often wondered why Hotplates come in small and large.

I've never really used the small ones. The only size of anything I knew how to cook was bloody huge.

A huge saucepan, large frypan, Big bowls. Maybe my new motto should be Big Bowls make Big Bums.

Today, while shopping, I saw a cute little 15cm Frypan. Non stick, came with an egg flip. Really nice. So I bought it. It's just the right size for cooking a small piece of meat or fish. The other week I bought a 1lt saucepan, so I'm all set for making small meals.

Hopefully Small Meals make Small Bums. hehe

I seem to have a cold today, woke up this morning with a very runny nose, so have been miserable all day. Spent the day watching telly, napping and knitting a pair of gloves for the girl child. In between my napping I missed out on my mid-afternoon apple. So, I'm hungry tonight.

This plan really IS that close to the edge. Miss an apple, feel like I'm starving. It's a good thing (not missing the apple, the edgyness) It means that it's working. I'm not hungry if I stick to the plan. Exactly to the plan.

Next week should be interesting. I'm having lunch with a friend I haven't seen for ages on Monday, but it's at my favourite restaurant, and I'll call them tomorrow and organise my meal, so it should be fine. And Tuesday I'm catching up with another friend who's visiting here from Melbourne (where I used to live) he's on the cohen programme too, and is doing really well, and his wife is on the 'refeed', so I'm really keen to trade stories, he's also in the same industry as I am, so more story trading.

Should be great fun, I'm really hoping he'll have time to stay here Tuesday night, as that'll give us the most chatting time. Girl child will have to clear her bed of all teddy bears again, and sleep with me, so we've got a bed for him. Don't think he's used to sleeping with dozens of Beanie Kids... hehe

Walked around the shopping centre tonight, Had to buy some stuff for boy child's camp in a couple of weeks, walking past all the ladies' clothes on sale was interesting. I really liked so many things, but no point buying my current size, as I have lots, and won't be this size for longer, but then what DO I buy? I can't buy intermediate stuff, coz I don't know what'll fit, and even so, I don't want to buy much of it, and I can't buy end stuff coz I don't know what I'll look like when I'm finished. So I bought nothing. I've decided to just wear what I've got until I'm finished. I've got some smaller stuff in the wardrobe, probably down to size 20. After that it'll be loose and floppy, but no point spending $$ to buy temporary clothes. If I get desperate I'll go raid the Lifeline shop. Must admit, I can't wait to go shopping when it's finished!!!


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