Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I've long held a theory.

There are two types of currency in the world, Time and Money.

With either you can 'buy' the other.

What I mean is, If you have time, you can use it to get money (it's called 'working')

If you have money, you can pay people to do your 'jobs' for you, thereby gaining time.

I got to thinking today, while driving all over Brisbane, What other currencies are there in our lives?

Part of coming to terms with being overweight is coming to terms with the fact that things have to change. I was thinking about goal setting with respect to my weight loss. I'm currently 160kg, and I have to get down around 75kg. I was thinking maybe four or five steps to have smaller goals because 85kg is just unfathomable.

I thought, now, what sort of 'rewards' shall I give myself...

The immediate thoughts of 'chocolate cake' and 'pack of chips' and 'tub of ice cream' came to mind.

The disturbing thing is why do I/we immediately think of food as a reward?

Maybe it's a childhood thing, If you're good you can have this chocolate/chips/bikkie/cake, etc? It's interesting.

I've set my goals.

Goal 1: 140kg
Goal 2: 120kg
Goal 3: 100kg
Goal 4: 85kg
Goal 5: FINISH.

Haven't picked my 'rewards' yet.

Any ideas?


At 6/30/2006 12:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about rewards, I find that very hard to do, because our lives revolve around food. When we need comfort - food, when we are celebrating - food. Socializing - food. The western world uses food for more than it should be used for. Other countries have food traditions which are very important, but our obsession with food has gone beyond tradition. Any excuse will do. So it can be a challenge to think up non-food rewards. I think to, that in relationships and as mothers, we leave behind many of the interests we had as singles, or they no longer interest us anymore. Then we become consumed with looking after our families and we dont think about what we really enjoy doing as far as hobbies and the like. So, hopefully as we go on in this journey the rewards will become clearer!

At 6/30/2006 10:59 pm, Blogger asy said...

I know what you mean. I am very careful not to use food for reward with my kids too, and I'm much more cogniscent of it with myself.
The rewards are clear. Mainly Health.
asy :D


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