Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Some mothers are them!

Well, I've just got home from my little Jaunt around the southern end of the big Island... Went to Melbourne and Adelaide.

I was visiting my Mum in Melbourne. Now, my mum's just GORGEOUS! She's truly one of the nicest people on the planet, but sometimes, I'm fairly sure, she has NO IDEA...

I bought myself a pair of size 18 Jeans last week, especially so I had something that FIT while I was travelling. I was really REALLY happy that this time I actually fit into the plane seat, and didn't need a seatbelt extension, and wasn't in pain the whole trip. It was cool :D

Anyway, Mum and I went shopping, and I saw a nice pair of size 14 slacks, cheap. I said, "Oooh, what do you think of these?" Mum said "They won't fit her, they're too big" (talking about my daughter). I said "No, they're for ME! Well, Soon, they are" Mum said "You're kidding yourself, you'll NEVER be a size 14! You'll end up a size 16, and you should be really happy with that. There's no way you'll get under a 16".

I didn't know how to answer. There's no point argueing, coz Mothers Are Always Right. So I just put the pants down and we left. Must admit it didn't exactly make my day.

Now, I really don't want a heap of comments about how she should be supportive, to her this IS supportive. She doesn't want me being upset when I don't make it past size 16. She just doesn't understand. She tells me she's proud of me sticking to the plan even at a Picnic when people are pushing all sorts of magnificent cakes at me, and I'm eating a Salada. But she really doesn't understand how the programme works, and that it DOES work.

Anyway, I also saw a friend who I haven't seen for 5 years, who commented I now look younger than I did last time he saw me!!! How cool is THAT?!

I went shopping today. Went into K-Mart and tried on a couple of size 18 pairs of denim Shorts. Took two pairs off the rack, and both fit!!! With loose waists!!! (The bum fit snugly, though!) I didn't buy them, I'll wait till I'm smaller to buy clothes, I just wanted to see if they fit!

I can now say definately, I'm a size 18.

For now.


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