Monday, August 07, 2006

Oh god...

This is not (really) diet related, it's just something that's been annoying me for some time now.

Society is going to the gods.

When I was a kid, you NEVER heard people in TV shows announcing they are 'christians', and praying together when someone did something... (Unless it was that type of show) but on the whole, nup.

Now, it's becoming over-prevalent.

Even on forums, People are praising god for their *insert deed here*. I lost a kilo, thank the lord, I won a TV, thank the lord, I got a new dog, thank the lord... etc.

What's going ON??? It's insane!

I'm an atheist. There ya go. It's said. There IS NO GOD.

I'm constantly vacillating between bemused and astonished that otherwise intelligent people believe in fairy-tales.

I fully understand the origin of religion. It was introduced way back when humans were barely sentient as a means of controlling society. There we no laws, no judiciary, therefore 'god' had to tell people not to kill, or not to steal etc.

Now, we have laws, we have social conscience. Just because I don't believe in god, doesn't mean I don't KNOW that you need to be polite to people and not hit them with an axe when you feel like it.

Religion is no longer necessary, as a society. Actually, in many cases, in many countries, it's actually detrimental (think Middle east). If it were abolished, wouldn't things be better?

Also, why is it that christianity seems to be the only 'legitimate' religion to most of these people?

In a 'western' (think 'english speaking') forum, I'm yet to see anyone write "praised be Allah", or "buddha is gooda" or something. And I wonder if they did what reaction they'd get from the christians on the forums? It would be interesting.

I'm yer live-and-let-live kinda gal, mostly, I don't care what religion anyone else is, so long as they don't try to shove it down my throat. That doesn't stop me wondering about their sanity, but hey, it's their choice. The thing that annoys me is it's becoming more politically correct to be some form of religion.

I think this has mostly come about since Sep 11. The terrorists wanted to disrupt USA Society, but instead succeeded in making people flock to churches as a sign of their objection to terrorism. Seems it backfired.

I'm not sure which is more detrimental to society, terrorism or organised religion.

Anyway, that's my rant. Like it or leave it.


At 8/07/2006 6:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 8/09/2006 3:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what asyoz, I post on the Cohens forum too and those freakin' god botherers piss me off.. so much so that I hardly ever post there anymore. Leave God at the door I say!


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