Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Time is of the essence

Had the meeting with the Cohen gal today. Her name's Sue. I'm sure she'll feature in the rest of the blog...

Sue was lovely. I am not sure if she's still talking to me, coz I think I screwed with her head too much. Asked too many questions. But she was very good.

Being as I've done Jenny Craig, and Atkins, and others the sales stuff becomes a little trite, so we flew through that, coz I didn't really want to hear it. All the programmes promise to be the best, the most scientific, the most medically thought out and correct. All of them only work as far as you let them.

I was happy with everything, until, it was pointed out that the programme is a 12 month contract. They contract to support and help etc for 12 months. And, they say we should expect an average of 4kg a month. I have 85kg to lose. Do the math. (85kg / 4kg/month = 21.25 months)

That's 21 MONTHS, not including 'refeeding' or 'slips'. I figure including these, lets say 23-24 months. That's 2 YEARS. Not 1 year.

Sue's confident, based on other people, that I should be finished inside of a year. Well, I bloody hope so, but, ya never know. And, even with Sue's assurances that if I'm still on the programme (like if I don't take 9 months off then want to come back! which is fair enough) she'd not abandon me, which I believe, I am far too anal retentive for that. I worry about what happens if Sue decides to retire and sail the whitsundays. What happens if 'militant barry' takes over and says 'oi, your 12 months is up, piss off'.

Yeah, I know, it's probably an excuse, if I'm really losing, and it does cost me double, so what? Well, the problem is, I know myself, I know how I sabotage myself, and there would be two things that would happen, either, getting close to the 12 months I'd start panicing and give up, or, worse, militant barry would charge me another 12 months worth and I'd get my back up and say 'stuff you'. Either way, not good for me.

To this end, I've asked to compromise and alter the agreement to 18 months. I figure I should well and truly be finished by then.

Hope to go and enroll tomorrow. Will wait and see what Sue replies.


At 6/28/2006 2:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lady who inspired me to go onto the Cohen's plan lost nearly 70kg in 37 weeks simply by sticking with it 100%. We can do that too :-)

At 6/28/2006 6:30 pm, Blogger asy said...

Thanks Lea...

I'm sure we can. Can't wait to start.

asy :D


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