Tuesday, June 27, 2006

at any cost

Had to drive my daughter to Choir Camp this morning, which means nearly an hour (round trip) thinking in the car (Also singing along to Queen, but thinking too!)

I was mulling over the idea of spending nearly $700 on the Cohen Programme, and thinking "Maybe I can just do it myself".

Well, Maybe I CAN.

You'd think, however, if I could 'just do it myself' I would have done it some time ago.

Someone said to me, It's not rocket science. Well, I KNOW that. But then Rocket science isn't that difficult either, when you know how. And when you have the right information and the right ingredients.

OK, What else could I do with $700?

I could go on holidays. But that would be over in a week (if that).

I could buy myself some jewelery. But that's no fun, better if someone else buys it for you. ;)

I could pay for the new Dif my car needs. (this is getting urgent and has to be done whether or not I go on the programme)

I could buy a dishwasher. All the fittings are in the house, there's a hole that the bin currently lives in. That would be lovely, but then, what would the Boy child do with his spare time. hehe

My Man said I should go to his weight loss doctor with him, he's doing a meal replacement programme. In addition to the fact that I don't think I could cope on meal replacements, I was really thinking about the cost. It's Free. The doctor bulk bills everyone.


The meal replacements cost $40 a week (roughly). The average loss is 2kg a week. So, I have approximately 45 weeks to be on the programme. Assuming I'm not naughty. 45 weeks at $40 = $1800.

I guess the crux comes when you look at it this way.

Irrespective of the time and commitment, if someone came up to you in the street and said:
"You can be size 12, with the wave of a magic wand, anytime you want, just put $700 on the table here and away we go"

How fast would we whip our wallets out then???

I guess this goes to prove it's not the money. The money's an excuse.


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