Monday, September 11, 2006


Shopping again today.

It was funny, I'd nearly finished the whole shop and I looked down at my trolley. All veggies, fruit, some meat for tonight, porridge for the kids brekkies, milk and some muffin mix for the kids lunch snacks next week and bread. That was about it.

None of what I used to buy, no chips, choccies, pasta, rice, etc. In short, a distinct lack of fat and carbs.

It occurred to me my trolley was the epitome of the classic "food triangle".

I love looking in othre people's trolleys, call me voyer, I don't care! I'm waiting to find someone with only veggies and meat in theirs, oh, and a box of paradise lights, and I'll say "ooh, another cohen-ite!" it'll probably freak them out, but what the hey!

I didn't go and get weighed today, had to do some chores this afternoon, and didn't have time. May go tomorrow, but then I may leave it till next week, don't know yet.


At 9/12/2006 9:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you find you save a lot of money on grocery shopping now. Really the Cohens program pays for itself in a relatively short period of time.

At 9/12/2006 6:14 pm, Blogger asy said...

Yes! I agree there, I have been thinking about JUST THAT, and was going to blog about it next!

You're psychic! (or psychotic, I can never remember which is which!) hehe


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