Monday, August 21, 2006

Mixing it up.

It's been a mixed week... Good and Bad, more good than bad, though, so that's good!

My mum came to visit last week, she's here until next week. On Saturday we went Latin Dancing. My mum, my daughter, a friend, and I. We had a ball, as usual.

Yesterday (Sunday) we thought we'd go Ice Skating. My mum used to be a figure skater in her teens, and she brought her Boots for my daughter, as they have the same size foot. So, girl child asked if we could go skating to try them out. We went. Mum said she wanted to skate too. I asked if she was SURE? She said yes. We all skated. It was fun. Until.

Now, ya know there's gotta be an 'until', and ya know it's not gonna end well...

The last pass, the very last lap, we were ready to go home and watch a movie. A guy skated up to me and said "Your mum fell, her arm doesn't look too good". I thanked him and flew off the ice. He was right, her arm didn't look good. Unless you like pretzels.

So, we ended up at the hospital. Hours (and hours) later we left, with mum wrapped up like a fish. She broke her Ulna. Luckilly it wasn't her Radius too. Luckilly it wasn't her back, or hip, or skull. Only her arm. It'll be fine.

The Doctor was funny. He came in and asked her how she broke her arm. Mum said "Well, you see, I was Ice Skating......." and the Doc stopped her there and said "HAHAHA YEah, I'd HEARD that, I just wanted to see if it was TRUE!!!". Good thing for him he said it nicely, otherwise he may have required the bed next door. hehe

So, mum's now got a temporary cast, then she's gotta have a permanent cast put on in the next week. And; She'll be FINE!

Went and got weighed today. Just over 3kg this week. I'm happy with that. I think making sure I'm drinking enough water is the key. Must still go to bed earlier.

So, a good week, and a bad week. Mostly good, though.


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