Thursday, September 07, 2006

stress fractures

Had a very stressfull day today, had a meeting this morning which was a high stress situation and will mean BIG changes in my life, and not for the better.

After the meeting I went and did the grocery shopping. I was very surprised at how smells I'd previously ignored really played on me in my stressed frame of mind.

Walking past the pie shop started it off, wow, the smell was amazing. Being as it was the first such smell of the day it really hit me between the eyes, must admit it surprised me.

I kept wandering around, had to go to a few different shops, and then went to Coles. Going through the food court was interesting. It wasn't only the smells, it was the lure of sushi. I love sushi. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot of RICE on the Cohen Plan. :(

Usually stress would have resulted in eating or shopping. Silly shopping, I mean. I bought nothing today other than the Groceries. I was pretty pleased about that, at least.

After I finished at Coles, I had to go to the Fruit & Veg shop. That finished it was back to the car. Between the F&V and the exit was a lovely stall selling FRESHLY BAKED COOKIES.


The smell was magnificent. I think they were baking some sort of peanut butter cookies, or chocolate, or such, coz the smell was... was... um... droooooly. (I'm sure that's a word).

It was all I could do to get out of there.

Anyway, I got home and had Prawn and Salad for lunch. It was magic.

Tonight I cooked a batch of muffins and some cookies for the kids, they smell good, but nothing tempting.

The stress levels have gone down a bit.

Isn't it funny what an effect stress can play. I don't know if it heightens our senses, but it certainly lowers the defences.


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